Libano y Jordania


13 Days

Physical rate


Starting city



April 2024 / March 2025

Cities to visit: Beirut; Amman; Jerash; Madaba; Bethany; Dead Sea; Shoubak; Petra; Wadi Rum; Al Aqaba

Detailed day by day description


Dear Traveler: thank you for choosing us to perform this Tour! We hope you enjoy your trip.

Here we give you a guidance on their tour with the information that we believe may be of your interest. The information is indicative, may exist variations on designated hours.

TRANSFER from the airport, if you have it included or purchasing. Our transfer will be waiting for you with a poster on behalf of Europamundo or its name to the output of the custom (after collecting your luggage)..

Remember to inform us by phone if you lost your connection flight or expected delay of their arrival, in your VOUCHER figure the phone of the transfer.

IMPORTANT: If you had additional nights upon arrival the hotel will have your reservation, but his travel guide normally will not be until the night before the start of the tour.

¡Bienvenidos al Líbano! Llegada a BEIRUT. Su ubicación estratégica, rodeada por mar y montaña, y su rica historia, con más de cinco mil años, hacen de esta ciudad un lugar inolvidable para quien la visite. Asistencia en el aeropuerto y Traslado al hotel . Alojamiento
Distancia total: 185 km.
08.00 hrs.-: Desayuno.
09.00 hrs.-: Salida de Beirut hacia el VALLE DE LA BEKAA , con dirección hacia las ruinas de Baalbeck.
11.00 hrs.-: Visita de BAALBECK las más impresionantes y monumentales ruinas romanas de Oriente Medio: el Templo de Júpiter, el Templo de Venus, el Templo de Baco . Monumentales por su grandiosidad y por su maravilloso estado de conservación.
13.00 hrs.-: Fin de la visita de Baalbeck y salida hacia ANJAR.
14.00 hrs.-: Visita de las ruinas arquitectónicas de ANJAR de la época de los Omeyas y los califas.
15.00 hrs.-: Fin de la visita de Anjar y regreso hacia hacia Beirut.
17.00 hrs.-: Llegada al hotel de Beirut. Cena incluida y Alojamiento en el hotel.
Distancia total realizada: 176 km.

08.00 hrs.-: Desayuno.
09.00 hrs.-: Salida de Beirut hacia Tripoli.
09.30 hrs.-: Parada en ruta en HARISSA , donde se encuentra en lo alto de una montaña la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de El Líbano . Utilizaremos el teleférico para subir disfrutando de una hermosa vista panorámica de la bahía de Junieh.
10.45 hrs.-: Salida hacia TRÍPOLI.
11.15 hrs.-: Llegada a TRÍPOLI , la segunda ciudad de El Líbano de arquitectura medieval. Ciudad en la que se une lo antiguo y lo moderno, una de las ciudades más antiguas de Oriente Medio en la que se mezcla al mismo tiempo la modernidad del país. Arquitectura medieval, zocos, bazares, mezquitas y un castillo de la época de los cruzados. Visitaremos el Castillo de Saint Jille, el antiguo bazar y la Mezquita Tyanal.
13.15 hrs.-: Fin de la visita. Continuación a Byblos.
14.00 hrs.-: Llegada a BYBLOS, se dice que es una de las ciudades habitada más antigua del mundo. Hoy es una pequeña ciudad al borde del Mar Mediterráneo, con un pequeño puerto pesquero y que aún mantiene en pie su ciudadela y su castillo de la época de los cruzados. Visitaremos el Castillo de Byblos, el Puerto Fenicio y el Antiguo Bazar.
16.00 hrs.-: Salida de Byblos y regreso a Beirut.
17.00 hrs.-: Llegada al hotel de Beirut. Cena incluida y Alojamiento en el hotel.
Distancia total realizada: 165 km.

08.00 hrs.-: Desayuno.
09.00 hrs.-: Salida de Beirut hacia Tiro.
11.00 hrs.-: Llegada a TIRO, declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO e n 1979 y con una de las más fascinantes ruinas arqueológicas de la época de los romanos, pero también fenicios, griegos y bizantinos.
13.30 hrs.-: Fin de la visita. Continuación hacia Sidon.
14.15 hrs.-: Llegada a SIDON (Saida) y visita del castillo, la zona antigua de la ciudad, la zona de los pescadores, etc. Se incluye la visita del Gran Bazar y de Khan Al Franj , un magnífico edificio del siglo XVII de planta rectangular y varias alturas que servía como refugio para los comerciantes en las rutas que pasaban por Líbano.
16.15 hrs.-: Salida de Sidon y regreso a Beirut.
17.15 hrs.-: Llegada al hotel de Beirut. Cena incluida y Alojamiento en el hotel.
Distancia total realizada: 44 km.

08.00 hrs.-: Desayuno.
09.00 hrs.-: Comienzo del tour por el centro de Beirut: área de Solidere en la Plaza del Mártir, donde descubrirá el hermoso centro antiguo de Beirut con las recientes excavaciones arqueológicas de gran tamaño y los edificios recientemente renovados con una arquitectura preciosa. Visitaremos la G ran Mezquita Al Amine, la Plaza Nejmeh, los Zocos de Beirut y las Iglesia de San Jorge.
10.00 - 11.00 hrs.-: Visitaremos el Museo Nacional de Beirut.
11.10 hrs.-: Salida de Beirut hacia la Región del Chouf, Monte Líbano, zona montañosa y verde de vegetación.
12.10 hrs.-: Llegada a Deir Al Qamar, pequeña ciudad, capital de la zona de Monte Líbano, con sus construcciones en piedra y sus estrechas calles que nos recuerdan la época feudal y una de las más antiguas mezquitas de El Líbano, con su minarete octogonal. Visitaremos este hermoso pueblo su Plaza, la Mezquita y la Iglesia.
12.45 hrs.-: Salida de Deir Al Qamar hacia Beiteddine.
13.00 hrs.-: Llegada a Beiteddine.
13.00 - 14:30 hrs.-: Visitaremos el Palacio de Beiteddine completamente incorporado al paisaje natural de la zona.
14.40 hrs.-: Salida de Beiteddine y regreso a Beirut.
16.10 hrs.-: Llegada al hotel de Beirut. Cena incluida y Alojamiento en el hotel.
Desayuno, Traslado al aeropuerto para tomar vuelo  (incluido) hacia AMMAN . Bienvenidos a Jordania. Traslado desde el  aeropuerto al hotel y alojamiento.
08.00 hrs.- Departure to the north of the country.
11.30 a.m.- Arrival at the Ajlun Fortress , an imposing castle from the twelfth century, which is located in the middle of a fertile valley of vineyards and pine forests that gives us a particular view of the green side of the Hashemite Kingdom. It is considered one of the greatest examples of Arab military architecture, has spectacular panoramic views of the Jordan Valley and the three wadis constituted a strategic defense in the defensive chain that existed in the area. In this area Muslims and Orthodox Christians have always lived together, we will visit the old CHURCH OF SAN SERGIO . Shall we all pray together for peace?.
12.30 hrs.- End of the visit and continuation to Jerash.
13.30 hrs.- Arrival in Jerash and transfer to a local restaurant where we will have lunch (included).
15.00 hrs.- Visit of t he Roman ruins of Jerash , one of the best preserved archaeological sites in the Middle East, it is called the Asian Pompeii and the second most visited attraction in Jordan.
17.00 hrs. - End of the visit to Jerash and return by road to Amman. A rrival in Amman in about an hour.
07.30 hrs.- Departure to the Desert Castles built between the 7th and 8th centuries. We´ll head to the first castle, Qusayr Amra.
09.00 hrs.- Depart for Qusayr Amra Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Built in the early 8th century as a holiday resort for the caliph, it is preserved as one of the finest desert castles in Jordan.
10.30 a.m.- End of the visit to Qusayr Amra Castle, we will arrive in approximately 30 minutes at Qasr Kharana Castle built by the Umayyads from the year 661 to become an oasis of rest for the caravans of merchants who crossed the desert transporting their goods.
11.30 a.m.- Once the visit to Kharana Castle is over, we will head to Madaba.
13.00 hrs.- Arrival in Madaba.
We´ll visit the Madaba Archaeological Park , crossed by an old Roman road and the Church of St. George, with its fantastic mosaic from the sixth century. where the map of Madaba is exhibited, the oldest cartographic representation of Jerusalem and the Holy Land that is preserved to this day.
13.30hrs.- End of the visit to Madaba and departure to Mount Nebo, being a place of great importance at a historical, religious and cultural level for being the place from which Moses contemplated the Promised Land before he died. You will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful views from the viewpoint where on a clear day you can see places as far away as Bethlehem, the Mount of Olives and the Dead Sea.
13.45 hrs.- Arrival at Mount Nebo and lunch included.
15.30 hrs.- Departure from Mount Nebo to Amman.
17.00 hrs.- Arrival at the hotel in Amman. Free time. Accommodation.
07.30 hrs.- Departure from Amman and panoramic tour on the bus (without tickets) and continuation to Bethany.
09.45 hrs.- Arrival in Bethany on the banks of the Jordan River, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, it is the place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ.
11.00 hrs.- Departure from Bethany.
11.30 a.m.-Arrival at the Dead Sea Museum, it is an impressive panoramic complex.
12.00 hrs.- Departure from the Dead Sea Museum.
12.30 hrs.- Arrival at the Dead Sea hotel and lunch included. Free time to take a dip in the salty sea at a lowest altitude on Earth. Dinner included . Accommodation.
09.00 hrs.- Departure from the Dead Sea.
10.30 hrs..- Arrival at Kerak Castle , a former stronghold of the Crusaders, rising 900 meters above sea level, between the walls of an ancient city.
12.00 hrs. - Departure from Kerak and heading to the local restaurant where we will have lunch (included) until 14.00 hrs.
15.00 hrs.- Continuation to Dana , a small picturesque rural village of stone houses on a huge cliff located at the foot of the largest biosphere nature reserve in Jordan. We´ll take a panoramic tour where we´ll be able to take photos.
15.30 hrs.- Departure from Dana we will head towards Shobak.
16.00 hrs.- Arrival at Shobak Castle, built by the Crusaders in 1115 to control the trade routes between Egypt and Syria, as well as the passage permits for pilgrims and caravans. We will be able to take some photos to remember.
16.30 hrs.- Departure from Shobak, we will head to Wadi Musa where the Spring of Moses is located.
17.00 hrs.- Arrival and brief visit to the Spring of Moses , where Moses supposedly hit the rock with his rod and the water gushed out.
17.15 hrs.- Departure to Moses Spring.
17.30 hrs.- Arrival at the Petra Museum , an excellent exhibition that allows us to understand the history of the Nabataeans and learn about magnificent pieces found in the area.
18.00 hrs.- Departure from the Petra Museum.
18.15 hrs.- Arrival at the hotel. Dinner included . Overnight in Petra. Petra is the ancient capital of the kingdom of the Nabataeans. This civilization occupied the city in the 6th century B.C. and took advantage of the city´s location as a strategic lodging point for caravans during the Silk Road
Known as the "Pink City", the "Lost City" or the "City of Stone", it is considered the jewel of Jordan and one of the Seven Wonders of the World since 2007.
07.00 hrs.-Departure from the hotel to visit Petra , we will access through the narrow canyon and discover the temples and tombs carved into the cliffs in this city founded 300 years before Christ. Lunch included.
14.00 hrs.- Departure from Petra to Wadi Rum, an impressive desert that is famous for being the setting for famous films where ´Dune´, ´Lawrence of Arabia´ or ´Star Wars´ have been filmed. We will be able to enjoy unparalleled sunsets and starry nights.
16.00 hrs.- Arrival at Wadi Rum - Valley of the Moon, a magical ecosystem of the Jordanian desert that has extensive red sand dunes and imposing sandstone arches, at the visitor center we take all-terrain vehicles to visit some of the most impressive landscapes. We include a ride of about 45 minutes on a camel through the desert . We will also visit the Khazali Canyon, in this spectacular place we will see the engravings that show us the origin of the Arabic language.
18.00 hrs.- End of activities in Wadi Rum.
18.15 hrs.- Arrival at the camp. Dinner included . Accommodation.
Breakfast. 08.00 hrs.- Departure from Wadi Rum. 08.45 hrs.- Arrival in Aqaba and panoramic visit of Aqaba, the second Jordanian city, modern, commercial, port city and an entrance to the Red Sea in Jordan, forming here a gulf that has become one of the most visited places in Jordan especially due to its importance as a destination for divers and its coral reefs.09.45 hrs.- End of the panoramic tour.10.00 hrs.- Arrival at the Araba Border to drop off the people who continue their journey to Egypt. 10.30 a.m.- Approximate departure time from the Araba Border. 11.00 -12.00 hrs.- Arrival at the hotel. Free time in the afternoon to enjoy the warm waters of the Red Sea. Accommodation.
Note: Depending on the number of travellers, the trip from Aqaba to Amman may be made by regular VIP coach.
Departure via the "desert road" to AMMAN airport. Arrival at Amman airport in approximately 4 hours duration and end of our services.

Map Tour


From USD 3,068.00